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Hello World!

Hello, I'm Jaye. 


I am a newly hired researcher with The Institute for Socially and Culturally Relevant Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence at Howard University (HCAI@Howard).


My previous work was as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Spelman College in Atlanta, GA, and as the director of the BRAVE I.D.E.A.S. lab. My research explores various applications of computational methods to promote cultural diversity and societal inclusion.

Contact Me

Connect with me on LinkedIn 

all other social media @jayenias



What's happening:

February  2024 

Appointed Co-Director of the National Data Science Alliance Research Affinity Cohort Program


Program Chair for the Inaugural Black Issues in Computing Education (BICE) conference


January  2024 

Began Senior Research Scientist position at HCAI@Howard


October  2023 

Panelist at the 2023 Connected Learning Summit, "What does impact Look like in your work?"


Presenter Equity in Innovation Symposium with Google


Awarded as a 2023 Spelman STEM Equity Faculty Fellow


April 2023 

Selected for the Sloan Data Science Faculty Fellows Program


Presenter at the Spelman Faculty Showcase during the Presidential Investiture Academic Symposium.


Experience Report "Imagine a Future Rooted in Culture: Exploring Afrofuturism in Computing Education at HBCUs" accepted for presentation at RESPECT 2023.


March 2023 - Moderator at the Stanford Embedded Ethics Conference




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